Battle Creek Enquirer from Battle Creek, Michigan (2024)


237 W. Goguac. Dial SObJ. TAXL TAXI CESSPOOLS, septic tanks, chimneys, side NEW YORK STOCKS Foraishe ky album. Warren Chandler LOCAL Open Xooo www ART-" A3 SOON! AS YOU GET THAT EUSH JOB IN TH' SHOP OET3 ALL LARGF SEDANS.


THE CEMEN1 MAN, UNION. CAB CO. Dial 6113 ALLTH' PARTICULAR Classified RATES INDEX CASH RATE 20 percent discount allowed fur cash with order or for payment within 10 days from date of Invoice. CHARGE RATE 2c per word tor advertisem*nt Inserted one day only: le per word per day for three or more consecutive Insertions of -tame ad. 9 fee per word for 7 conieeatlve Insertions ot an ad.

30c per word for 30 consecutive) assertions. One change of copy per ween oermltted. MINIMUM AD to word I. MINIMUM CHARGE AD 31c. MINIMUM CASH AD 23c FER US ORDINARY GUVS-HES SO BUSV BEIN' A EVTRAOCDINARV MECHANIC THAT HE NEVER THINKS OF MONEY BUT GUvS LIKE ME SPEND SO MUCH TIME THINK.1N' OF TH' Clark Euipment 36 General Poods 431.


IXKorootlve 51 53 21 A Building Materials HOLLERlN' FER ORDINARY Amer. Steel Foundry 67 6 Baldwin Loco. Works life 11H Specialties and Other Steels Follow Lead; General Motors Weak. SLIGHTLY USED LUMBSR CHEAP HrACHlMiVT. n.

THAT WERE ORDINARY General Amer. Transpt 79 79 Boards snipiap, Storage Furniture We have the following items left from our sale and will sell at reduced prices. Studios, Living, Bed and Dini.ig Suites; Odd Chairs, Bed Springs and Mattresses. Breakfast Sets; Rugs, etc. Also new Studios; Bedroem and Living Room Suites.

Battle Creek Storage Cc. 146 Capital S. W. other ceaienaia. BLUB DIAMOND LBR.

AND COAL CO. 111 i it i I I i i --j -v Gen. Railway Sitnal 63 3 Johns-Manville 15 143 Lima Locomotive 65 651 Pullman Inc. 68K 68'. Ave.

and AneelL pnone 2-3191 NOTICES fCood STEKLS Allis Chalmers 2-A Cemetery Notices has stopped production in many mills. Lumber Drices will 77" 77i I91a 30! SIS 82 5S'4 59 A. M. Byera Bethlehem Steel Corp. Crucisle Steel Co.

go s-ky high. Don't wait. Buy that 6S 71 Gulf States Steel Ludlum Steel whether IT BE a modest or a pretentious memorial yoo have In mind, we Invite consultation. Micheigan Monument 107 South Ave. 32 31 i spring material now.

IS IF' Otis Steel Edwards Lumber Co. 3 miles east on US-12 Phone 6311 Lodges, Societies L'SED rugs, all sizes, reasonable. rugs, runners. 71 Aneell NEW YORK JO U. S.

Steel jumped toward par in today's stock market, crossing 96 for the first time in more than 6 years for a gain of about two points. Other steels and specialties followed the leader, but numerous issues, as in the past several sessions, failed to emulate the bellwether. Prices, on the whole, were moderately ahead in the second hour, although trading was relatively quiet and an assortment of losers was in evidence. Among conspicuous gainers were 32. 33i 94', 96 31 31 si 67 '4 67 Sl'A S2 SSVs 39-a.

Republic Steel V. B. Steel Vanadium Corp V. S. Pipe and Foundry Vounirs Sheet aod Tuoe Superior Steel CEMENT BLOCK3 FOR FOUNDATIONS.

CALHOUN SHRINK No. 24. W. S. of J.

Stated meeting Monday, Feb. 1. at 7:30 t. Masonic Temple. Dorothea Clay, W.

8. L'SED FURNITURE BOUGHT SOLD EXCHANGE Best prices. 179-181 W. Mich. Ph.

M22 cefespocis ana gara--, muu, Ptor.e E. R- Cross. SIOTOKS Auburn L'SED FURNITURE bought, sold, ex-chanted. Wight. 347 6477 SO BorE-viarner SO Personals Dressmakers, Milliners 23 55' Soi Brlggs Mf(.

Bendix 16 "4 20 DREf alterations, fur work: Chryider Motors 121V 122 si TAXI TAXI All Cars Well Beated UNION CAB CO. Dial 6113 coats reuneq. iour ihjiup mmc Continental Motor 3H 26 Electric Auto-Lttc 4.2 42 White Motor 26. 27 Laundry Bethlehem, Crucible, Allegheny FISHERITEN! Wlgglers. mlnnowf 81 South Capital.

Jones Brothers. PRIVATE readings. 6iNT Kendall. Ph. 6639.

Mr. Thornton. WANTED Board and room for school girl in childless home In town. Box B-9. News.

LADY wishes to correspond with gentleman. 50-60, with car. Box G-8. News. General Motors 67 67U Musical Instruments 49 Washings Wanted 7H Steel, Sheeling Steel, Gulf States Steel, National Steel, Pittsburgh Phone z-si'uo United, Montgomery Ward, Sears Painters.

Paperhartgers 27 2. Is 26V 26: 9-i 10 2U 21 '-i 47 47' Hayes Body Hupp. Motors Houdaille Hersney Federal oMtor Trucks Hudson Motors Mack Trucks Murray Corp Nash BTtntino and paper-hanging, 10c roll. Roebuck, J. I.

Case, American Locomotive, Baldwin and Lima JUST repossessed. New style piano. Like new. Pay balance. Save $65.

Terms. ROAT MUSIC 60 W. MICHIGAN. FOR SALE Used piano In excellent condition, 575. Phone 4346.

FOR SALE Good used piano, $30 cash. Phone 2-4232. WANTED Boarding home for 10-year-old Wal's cleaned. Work guaranteed Sin. Close in.

Box F-8. News. 19 '4 19 23 i Helen McCall, PRIVATE readings daily. 83 Riverside Drive. PAPKR HANGING, paper cleaning, paint- 23 11'.

4U 6:, General Motors backed away as the strike deadlock continued and Packard Motor Car 11 Graham-Paige 4 Reo oMtors 6-14 Radios-Supplies-Repairs 51 ELAINE DUNN. Psychic. Readings dally. 'Circle Tuesday evening. 23 College.

3061. Miscellaneous Service 30 19 Stewsrt Warner 19 Chrysler did virtually nothing. The rails were narrow and Utilities 16 16K CESSPOOLS and septic tanks installed: i. f.niiir pmne TREE: If excess add causes you Stomach Ulcers. Gas Pains.

IndigeaUon. Studebaker Tlmken Roller Bearing Timken Detroit Yellow Truck COPPERS 72 To 24 24- 27 27 "a marked time following the adverse KETES RADIO SERVICE Efficient and dependable. 199 W. Michigan. 5051.

PROGRESS RADIO SERVICE Prompt Dependable Repairs 69 Illinois. Ph. 4450. Eve. 7371.

Heartburn, set free samle doctor's prescription. Udga. at Walgreen'a and decision of a New York federal dis scavenger wiirn. FPHOLSTERING Furniture Recovering. Ftist class work.

Prices reasonable. C. THORN E. 20 Souta Wabash. fi99U THE GENIUS, 1M7 Ns ICKVtC.

KT.H. Uc u. 9. rar. Off, Mulr's Drug Stores.

Amer. Metals 60 60 Amer. Smelters 90 90 trict court in the Electric Bond Share case. Lower were Interna 53 Rpo A. K.

Haven Wearing Apparel Amer. Zinc 7H 7H WE have the largest stocR of watcnes in Battle Creek. Pay cash for old gold. Fred Frey. 41 Capital N.

E. tional Harvester, Boeing, American Anaconda Wire S2is S3 TOOLS and saws snarpened ann gummen. Alaska-Juneau 14 Classified Display Can and DuPont. REAL ESTATE LADIES' COATS from $1 to $12. Dresses, llhe new.

Wool sweater, 41. 53 Spring St. 14 17 CHICAGO WHEAT PRICES SCORE SLIGHT UPTURNS bkates. ueuvery. 5348.

WITHOUT COST OR OBLIGATION this ad entitles you to complete Radionics ex Calumet and Heela 17 Bonds and commodities moved Cerro de Pasco 67 67 30-A amination, k. Baira. cniropracior. 207 Bailer Bldg. 6818.

Free port Texas 29 29 69 Mattress Makers unevenly. ROV HENRY. Clothier. Better suit at less money. 98 W.

Michigan Ave. Farms, Acreage, Lots AUTOMOBILES (CONTINUED) Granby 10 10:. 70 Howe sound 70 Unexpected Liverpool Boost Favorably Influences United Stales Market. 54 Sale Miscellaneous SAGINAW BEANS SAGINAW Saturday payine prices 62 62 27 27 MATTRESSES MADE TO 'JKLlER-We rebuild all grades of mattresses. Batue Creek Msttress 70 East Michigan.

Phone 3-3511. international Nickel Inspiration Consol. Cop. TAXI TAXI ALL CARS HOME OWNED UNION CAB CO. Dial 611 3 Kennecott 68 OV 8-INCH bench saw.

fllllns tsble, special $10.50. Electric Motor Machine Shop, 8 West Jackson. quoted by Mlchigun Bean Shippers association: Jobbers offering elevators S7.50 a hundredweight for primes, handplcked, bagged In carload lots. 21 21 63 53 Special Notices Miami Copper Phelps Dodge Proctor and Gamble Park Utah Silver King WET STOCKS Crown Cork and Seat National Distillers Storage, Cartage 31 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Wo are licensed movers. Ail goods insured while in our care.

EDOETT HALL TRANSFER CO 22U Soutu MCamly 2-5107: 2-53S7 FOR SALE 150-acre farm, suitable for stock farm. Cood buildinps. Modern farm house. Electricity, brook, timber and alfalfa. 10 miles from Battle Creek.

By owner. Box A -9, News. 7 "ACRES-land, 4 -room house, well, pa-race, chicken coop, nice shade, plenty of flowers. Mail, telephone at door. One mile south Gull Lake.

Full price J700. Will take car as part down payment. Easy terms on balance. See M. C.

Woodgate on the premises. fsbACRE--TaTmT-fairbuildinjrs; .10 acres of murk; some timber. $500 will handle. -12 Arthur, upstairs. 63 63 4 4 12 12 90 90 GFiNUINE Glass Wool Insulation blown between walls and in attic.

Saves more than It costs. Telephone 2-40X6 for FURNACES, new. used. Parts all makes. Battle Creek Furnace Exchange.

16 S. Monroe. Phone 5667j TYPEWRITER barsaina. Desk's, office furniture. Peters.

10 N. Capital. Pn. 9714. demonstration.

Sherriff-Goslin Roofln; Co. GRKEM'ILLE POTATOES GREENVILLE i.Il Potatoes about steady: deliveries lncreainp but demand limited. Shipper paying growers 2 cwt. CIIK'AfiO I'OI l.TRV 26 Zfi Owen Bottling 159 IS." U. 8.

Alcohol 40 0 FINANCIAL 4 REBUILT typewriters, ail makes. Real bargains. asy terms. Hermann Typewriter Security Bank Arcade. 33J6.

25 Schenlcy Dist Dist. Corp. Seagrams RUBBERS 20 NOW IS TIME TO SET SHADE TREES Anything Lares or Small CHICAGO JO Influenced by Liverpool quotations greater than due, the Chicago wheat market scored fractional upturns early today. Cables said re-sellers' offerings of Argentine wheat abroad were firmer, and that better flour demand in Great Britain is expected, a Opening 3-8 to of a cent up, May $1.27 to July $1.11 to Chicago wheat futures held near then to this range. Corn started lower to higher.

May to July to $1.01 and for the time being altered steady; Business Opportunities 34 Firestone Tire and Rubber 34 34 32 32 Njr.w modernistic merchandise vending ma An trees atatt Inspected and guaranteed chines- Start part time. Small Investment. Exnar.d from profits. Give FOR SALE One 1500 watt Westinghouse Farm lighting plant with 15-plate battery. Complete with electric washer.

sweeDer. motors, wiring and 33 33 64 63 25 Jas. R. Weeks GRADING PLANTING CONTRACTING CHICAGO UA1RV CHICAGO Butter 5,701. stesdv; creamery specials (9.1 score) 32 S33c; extras (J extra flrets (00-911 31 fi iSS-89) 31i31ic: standards 90 cenlraliied rarlotsl Eggs steady; prices unchanged.

Renewed and Guaranteed YES We Are Still Offering FREE 1937 License Plates phnne Write Box J-S, Enquirer-News. 35 27S Pleasant View Drive. Phone 5056 Goodrich Tire and Rub. Goodyear U. S.

Rubber Lee Rubber and Tire RAILROADS Atchison Alleghany Baltimore and Ohio Canadian Pacific Ches. and Ohio St. Paul Rock Island Land Contracts 71 4 22 radio. All in cood condition. Can he seen in operation.

$175 cash or 15 13 TAXI TAXI UNION CAB CO. Dial 611S Our Motto "Safety and Service" MONK? on first class real estate mort-Rnyea, No monthly payments required. 61" interest. Inquire Wagner, 603 88' curfly Bank Bldg. 64 63? 2 2 2 will trade lor siock.

B. C. Farm Bureau 107 S. McCamly Phone 2-4025 4 Northwestern 37 2 4 IS 15 Personal Loans Dela. and Lacks, 17 Educational if you want" tolearn" SPECIAL! "PREMiER" offer two motor DETROIT POVI.TRV DETROIT on Poultry market steady.

Hens, average run. 18c; IrKhurn hens 3 lbs 14c; smooth springers up to 5 lbs. 18c: heavy cosrse stags 15c; leghorn springers 12c: white ducks 4 lbs. up 16c: rocks 11c: geese JtJc; rock broilers 22c; rabbits 12c: slips 16c; hen, turkeys 18c; young torn turkeys 15c: old toms and No. 2 12c; capons.

7 lbs. up 22c, under 7 lbs. 20c; pigeons 31 a dozen. The above prices are for No. 1 grade poultry.

14 F.r'e 42', 42 Vechsnlcal Drafting and machine shop mechanics, set in touch with this office at driven brush CLEANERS for the price or one! S.1P.S&. EASTMAN CO. PREMIER DIV. 44 Capital Ave Phone 4921. i iic-rt TTTi fnrtrtls.

(Opening quotation. of today's grain market furnished by A. Co.) No. 1 red or while wheal, per bushel 23 No. 2 rye '-7 No.

3 oats ole No. -4 corn' yellow 9c No. 2 barley SSe Uuekwheat, per cnt new crop) S2.00 Damp or musty grain not accepted. 22 23 7 7 42 41 6 6 2 28 Personal Loans Phone 7156 onre. WE HAVE JOBS WAITING.

We Great Northern Pfd. Illinois Central Kas. City Southern New York Central New Haven Northern Pacific Pennsylvania R. R. Southern Pacific Southern Railway St.

Louis and S. Fran. fll or trade for small outboard motor 41 44 and we ine outllt. isooy coop ai. will also help finanre your training.

Men ags SO to 2. preferred. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. 314 City National Bank Bldg. V.

D. Par-malee. Representative. Phcne 4762. After 3 p.

m. call 2-1540. 100 Acres The best 100 acre farm in southern Michigan for the money. $600 down, balance easy terms. Clover and alfalfa seeding, of it, and 11 acres of wheat.

Good barn. Silo. Chicken coop. House. Well fenced.

Gravel road. If you want a good producing farm this is it. 5 Acres Electricity and furnace in hoiMe. 7 rooms, oak finished. Only 2 miles out.

Price with $600 down. Balance on contract. Two big chicken coops. A. KNAPP 210 City 'National Bank Bldg.

Phone 8323 Office Open Evenings and Sundays from 10-12 a. m. 40 ACRES for sale or trade. Good land; 8-room house, 32x60 barn, granary, machine shed, corn crib, hen house, garage. W.

Borland, Roulo 2, Athens, Mich. 46 46 2S 27 For financial help We ad- 3 3H South Madison. l'ORSALK Regulation pine pone table. collaplhle and well braced. Ph.

2-4929. 12U Surby. Union Pacific 129 129 CLOVER fcKlil) Buyine prices for clover seed In Battle Creek are: Medium Hover, ner bushel DETROIT PROUIXE DETROIT Saturday report on trading at the Detroit produce terminals: Apples Supplies moderate. Demand slow; market about steady. Mich, bushel baskets and eastern crates U.

6. No. 1 Kpys In. mm. 1.75ti2.

few higher; Mcintosh in. min. 1.7.rSj 1.85; De Amer. International 15 Lost and Found 8 47 47 Atlantic Coastline Mammoth clover 17.00 Alsike Swaps 55 43S North LOST Small rhan-e purse with a 35 and lour 51 blVF. be? wern tTpfon.

aji'l Cal-iTotin Rc.vj.rd. 2-J7J3. 35 44 34 43 LOT for sale or trade for car. Wattle Road. licious 2Vi in.

mln. Wageners 2'; in. some fatr condition, il.25; Hubbardslons 2'i in. mln. ft.

2531. 35; DEANS 37 37 33 33 (Quotation furnished dally by the Battle F'6r. SALE OR" TRADE 5 rooms, modern Baldwins 2V" in. min. SLSriv 1.50.

Vance cash up to 5300 for any worthy purpose payments arranged to meet your income. Pay your OLD bills and get a NEW start. Battle Creek Loan Company 201 City Bank 2nd Floor Creek Farm Bureau. Mushrooms Mich, and Ohio lb. cartons 44 44 31 31 16 16 Beans, per cwt t.

16.30 eV'-ept tuli; nearly 2 acrea 01 grouno. -fruit and berries. Trade for larger house. Prefer Urbandale. 143 Dunning.

LOST- Nar Mmr Koa'i. mcJium sizM f.Mi frtufiir (U, part rniiir, iirenre No. nt ymaH bijtrk male co*ckar MauiI. fhntc -Vi7 or 8760. Kcuard.

LO.T Drorrrikathr ripper key cb. rcame on bark. Reward. 507 E. JJlch-ian.

Hu2m: pints lave. with all used cars purchased during our special Winter Reduction Sale. 90 and USED GARS to choose from HOLMES Motor Sales, Inc. Two Large Used Car Lots 149 E. Michigan Capital S.

W. at Burnham Onions Supplies moderate. Demand slow; market slightly stronger on western MVEfcTOCK (Quotations furnished daily by the Bst RENTALS lie Creek branch of. the Michigan Livestock Valenclas, steady on Mxhlgans. 50 lb-sacks u.

8. No. 1 Mich, yellowa. small to medium 45j50c. medium to large 50fo OILS Atlantic Refining Continental General Asphalt Barnsdall Seaboard Mid-Continent Houston Phillips Pure Oil Petroleum Corp.

Shell Union Consolidated Oil Skelly OH Stan. Oil of Ind Stan. Oil of N. Socony Texas Corp T'dewater Oil Celanese Corn Union Oil of Calif Superior Oil MISCELLANEOUS 53 22 19 27 16 42 47 69 18 55 53 23 19 28 16 42 47 69 16 65 57 Rooms to Rent 55c. few 60c; Valencies- 2-3 inches few Colo.

Valencias 3 In. mln. few FOUaNI Female beasle. 109 Arthur. LOSTBunc ho f) -y crnk ey rtnr.

Very vaiunb to ottTtr. Reward. 431 Capi- ta) 8. W. 870J.

LOST male toy beagle pups. Black, viiife and tan. West VanBuren. Phon or 2-2223. Reward.

LIVESTOCK exchange.) HoKt 1S0-2SO J0.60: 160-180 2.10-300 H0-160 50; 300-350 SO; piss and lights JSfS.SO; rouKhs, 50. Calves rjood cHlves. 511. Cattle Choice dry fe yearling steers. $10: fair fo Bocd dry fed yearling steers, aS'-iP; good heavy steers, 578; beet cows, fair to good.

$fiS; cutters, S3 Hi 4 ranncrs, 52 best' bulls. SO; others, S4fl.Y.0. LARGE pleasant room, suitable for two. 24 Elm. Phone 7792.

SLEEPING rooms. Suitable for two. "52 KrolinKtiuysen. Phone 3898. 40 Farm Animals 20 20 30 30 70 Houses for Sale sales 1.20.

Mich. 10 lb. sacks yellows, small to medium, few ll2c. Potatoes Old: supplies lalrly liberal; demand slow; market weak on Malnes, steady on others. 100 lb.

sncks U. S. No. 1: Mich. Russet Rurals.

best mostly $2.25, few higher and lower; Maine Green Mountains 2.60'b2.75. mostly S2.60'-i 2.65, few higher and lower; Idaho Russets 33. 3.50. mostly 33.50. few higher, some small to medium low as Idaho 10 lb.

sacks Funeral Directors 23 "i 25 FRONT downstairs Bleeping room; private entrance; garage. 24 Gtenwood off North Ave. 7 I.ambs Cood lambs, $9.50: beat lleht 234'i 234 If You Want to Buy, Sell or Trade Call R. C. Timsley, 16 K.

State 5317 8773 6761 2-2883 S3S2 FOR SALE Tounc pigs. Ross Guile. Rt'. 1. Brll-vue.

Mich. FOR "SALE Six year-old cow and calf. Phrs lAcey 6-8: FOR" KALE BccfT" by the quarter. Phone GOOI team for sale. Ase 7 and 8.

In sheep, S4.50: best heavy sheep, S35M; thin culls and commons, S23. D. E. ROYAL FUNERAL HOME 231 UPTON AMBULANCE PHONE 7315 109 loi 13 1M 69 69 WELL furnished single room with gas plate. 70 Aldrtchj modern room, near Sanitarium.

Gentleman preferred. University NICE-room with studio couch; private Rusncts bakers 40vc41c; Maine 15 lb. paper 17 17 ONIONS (Furnished by U. S. Burrau of Markets) Carlot Shipments Michican 3.1.

Idaho 3, 46 AUTOMOBILES Allied Chemical American Can Amer. Tel. and Tel. Corn Products Colo. Gas and Elcc.

Consol. Gas, N. Y. Commercial Solvents Commonwealth and Sou. Dupont United Gas Imprvoe.

Radio Corp. of Am. quire hirong rtarqwarc 19 46 19 3 bags Green Mountains. U. H.

wo. 1, 4c. New: Supplies moderate; demand slow; market dull; Florida bu. crates Bliss Triumphs. U.

S. No. 1. Rhubarb Mich. 5 lb.

cartons, fancy, 40c; choice mostly 25c. 3 bath: garage. 238 Capital rt. B. EMPLOYMENT Indiana 3.

New York 20, Central California 1. Colorado Ohio 3, Oregon 1, Utah 78 Automobiles for Sale 171 172 1.1 15 11 11 BUSINESS man wants moderately priced comfortable room in good "location. Best of references furnished. Box K-8, News. 2, Washington' 4.

Totals 86. West Michigan Points Haulings mod- 12 Help Wanted Male erate. good wire inquiry. Demand good 15 13 CHICAGO POTATOES Standard Branas 1835 FORD TUDOR Built-in radio: tires nearly new; perfect condition. $345.

$75 down. Can arrange long terms for balance. Room 417. Post Tavern. market firm.

Carloads f. o. b. usual Internal. Tel.

and Tie. 12 12 FOUR MEN CHICAGO LV Potatoes 61; on track 270: total U. S. shipments 586; old stock 60-80 Inteinat. Harvester loo rai-.

VERY desirable large bedroom. Cooking privileges, garage 20 Ann Ave. CLOSE-IN Sleeping, light housekeeping rooms. Desirable, 63 VV. Rlttenhouse.

terms: RO-lh. sacks yellows US-1 percent 2 Inch and larger FOR f'ALE Fresh cow. Choice of two. S. Parrott.

1 mile south and 1 mile east of Convls church on Gorsllne Road. HORSE'S AND MULES 2S head. One pair 6-vear-old mules, weiKhs 2700: one pair 7-vear-old mules, weighs 3000; one chestnut and mare. heavy In foal, weighs 1650: one chestnut mare, heavy In ioal. weighs 1500.

Several matched teams nnd odd horses. SHARKEY AND SOS. Bellevue. jilj t-BEFORE GRASS TIME WE HAVE THEM 200 Hereford calves: stockers snd feeders: 10-lb. 27 27 steady; better feeling prevailing; supplies sacks yellows US-1 60 percent 2 inch and rather liberal; 'demand siigntiy oeuer, especially western slock; trading light.

larger iiqic. 59 Sacked per liip.lio Russet Burbanks, Apts. Flats to Rent FOR SALE At Bargain, 1029 Hudson sedan, good condition; new tires, new brakes, 1937 license, water heater. Private owner. Phone 3189.

'29 CHEVROLET l-'-ton stake truck. '37 plates, $65. Stuckey. 4 miles out Verona Road. Kresge Kroger Mont.

Ward Sears Roebuck Aviation Corp United Aircraft Weytern Union Tel. Westinghouse Elec. U. S. No.

1, Colorado Red McClures. U. S. No. 1.

partly UNLISTED SECURITIES 23 23 55 56 83 84 8 30 30 78 79 159 139 62V4 61 23 23 38 37 7 7 graded S3; Washington Russet Burbanks, Large manufacturer starting new division of work In Battle Creek district, wants four men. 20 to 50 years of ase. Approximately $140 per month to start. Steady employment. Unusual opportunity.

Room 2OS-209 City National Bank Monday 4 to 8 p. m. onl CLOTHING SALESMAN A man to sell and service well-known brand of custom tailored men's clothes: exclusive franchise: good compensation. Only man of fod reputation considered. Address Mr.

003 Washington Blvd. Detroit combination grade, S2.00: Nebraska Bllrs ATTRACTIVE 3-room apartment In Lake-view. Private entrance. Phone 2-1064. FUlNISHEDheaTed Papartment.

Garage and telephone. 22 W. Fountain. FOR RENT 5-room furnished apartment with garage. Inquire evenings.

51 rniivn ni EpimBm. 5 money. Olivet phone, 65F-2. Scaly'3 AUTOMOBILES Triumphs, 50 lb. sacks U.

b. ro. ana partly graded 52.75 Wisconsin round whites. U. S.

No. 1, J2.302.35; V. S. commercial S2.1SU2.25. New stock Texas btrrKPro, uiivei.

otanvu. Poultry and SuDDlies 41 78 Automobiles for Sale stock slightly weaker, Florida about steady: supplies moderate, demand slow: CLOSE IN Well furnished 3-room apartment. Adults. 161 Champion. 28 29 34 34 53 53 13 13 27 27 33 33 less than carlots 50 lb.

sacks Bliss (Turnlbhea by Uflllnm M. I'hotie 2-33401 Stock lilri AMI A-B Stove Common 3 American Slenm Pump 20 IS Cummins Distillery i "i Federated Pub. Common IB 21 Michigan Bumper Common 2Ti Michigan Carton 32 35 Nationfll Gas KIcc. Com. S'i 9't Old Dutch Refitiinp Silver Foam Brew ins 40 50 Union Steam Pump IS 20 Visited Steel Wire Common IS 15 linnds National Cas Elc.

bh 99 Battle Creek Sanitarium 40 45 Federated Publications 100 101 Triumphs. U. S. No. 1, lew sales gen erally fair quality SI.

50 a sack: street 48 29 sales Florida ou. crates buss inumpns, U. S. No. 1.

52.15; fair quality 52; U. S. No. 2 51.90 a bu. crate.

EXPERIENCED cabinet makers for special mill work. Apply to the Michigan Woodwork and Special-ties Co. ATTENTION Neat married man over 40. with car, to act as dealer. $20 first weeks.

We finance. Write Fuller Brush 163 W. VanBuren. 129 129 120 120 19 19 61 61 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO l.T Cattle 200, calves 100: compared Friday last week, choice and 75WHiTK LEGHORN hens; 350-egg Jones esectric Incubator, nearly new. Call 757F-1-1.

FOR fcALE Barred Rock laying pullets. 36 Sou'll 31st. Phone 4136. NOTICeT FARMERS-FOULTRT RAISERS Start hens laying by oslng Wayne Laying Mashes, one of the besL Complete line of Dr. Salsbury's poultry medicines: also full line of dairy feeds such as cotton seed meal, super soy meal, roasted; middlings, brands, chops, oil meal, salt blocks or bulk.

Alfalfa, second and third cutting; mixed clover and Nniothy baled straw. COAL co*kE WOOD. VERONA COAL YARD. G. C.

Kats, Prop. 901 at Grand Trunk R. E. Phone Pet Stock and Supplies 42 7 21 BARBER WANTED Grand Leader Beauty Salon. Seventy percent commission.

Woolworth United Airlines Boeing Airplane Coty Americsn Rsdiator and S3. Amer. Rolling Mills Amer. Sucar Amer. Woolen Bordcns Burrouehs Add.

Mach. Calif. Packing Canada Dry Coca Cola Columbia Carbon Colgate-Palmolive Continental Can r.urtiss-Wright Elec. Pow. and Light General Electric Gillette Safety Razor Loews Frrvel Walereen Drug Kinney Pfd National Cash Regie National Pow.

and LL North American Co North American Avla. Otis El'vator Pa'he Ftlms J. C. Penney Radio Keith Orpheum Remington Rand Schulte Simmons Co Sparks Wlthington r-A and Klec FOR RENT 2-room furnished apartment. Adults.

Inquire Brownie Hamburger. FOR RENT Largo 8-room apartment close in: newly decorated throughout; fireplare: large screened porch. Very desirable. No children. $32.50 per month.

Call 2-5125. Ask for Mr. May or Mr. Krtner iTrOOM furnished apartment. Heat, lights and gas.

159 Nelson. 3 FURNISHED rooms, light and gas, $7.75 per week. Adults. 61 N. Ravine.

Apply 296 Manchester. AP A RTM 1 apartment. $2 50. Furnished. Phone 2-20S6.

282 N. Washington NEWLY decorated, nicely furnished apart-ment for rent. 299 Capital N. E. WANTEDCouple to share my 5-room close in: newly decorated.

UTILITIES (Furnlthrd by J. Unrbe Security ItmiU lililg. Consumers Power Preferred: Bid A tic 4Vi percent ino 10n; 5 percent 103 10 prime medium weignt and weighty steers 50c lower: 1.400-1. SOU lb. kinds olf most; comparable yearlings 25c lower; good to near-choice weighty and medium weight steers 50c to 51 down: common and medium grades weak to 25c lower; medium to good grade yearlings SCc lower; loppy light yearlings comparatively scarce: medium to good grades ail weights rccenUy employed as substitutes for choice and Help Wanted Female 13 EXPERIENCED atenoprapher.Ptease state ace.

experience, references, and salary expected in first letter. Box C-9, News. 22 6.1 19 73 31 38 50 33 12 30 15 42 CUSHMAN Reconditioned OK Used Cars 1933 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan. Heater, fine motor, refinished dark blue, good tires, perfect motor. Our CJOQJ price $7tJ 395 Down, Bal.

'18 Months 1935 Pontiac 8 Coach, 1937 plates, heater, defroster fan, very clean, knee action, turret top, hydraulic brakes. Black finish. This car has been owned by local business man. Our price fDeiXfJ $175 Down, Bal. 18 Months Many Others to Choose from CUSHMAN AUTO SALES Co.

96 E. Jackson St. Ph. 8145 63 19 73 31 38 50 33 12 30 16 42 WANTED Competent middle-aged woman for Renera! housework- F. I.

Griswold. Phone 2-1272. Classified Display SINGBRS Males, females, 00c and prime offerings predominated ana sunerea maximum break; extreme top 514.50 paid earlv lor weighty steers; long yearlings 9 9 70c. Pnono a-100. GIRL for general housework.

Stay nights. 207 W. Bldwell or Phone 9067. AUTOMOBILES 102 101 514.25; light yearlings 514; hesTers 512: very ISO cnnnren. jujiu.

MERCHANDISE apartment. MODERN 3-room furnished 78 Ph. 2-5261. close at 130 n. Division.

Automobiles for Sale (CONT1NUKU) 8 23 25 3 2 53 54 4 9 12 12 HIGH SCHOOL mrl wanted for care of children. Vicinity of Oaklawn and Ken-dall. Phone 2-4766. WANTED Girl-for atternoons and sve-nings assisting with housework and caring for children, stav or go home nlthts. 7305.

200 Fremont. RELIABLE steady housekeeper Modern rural home. Good wage. Box T-8, News. TWO furnished apartments, overstuffed: 1 lower sleeping room; private entrance.

33 S. Broad. 3ROOM furnished apartment. Adults. 46 Valo St.

Dependability 1935 Plymouth 4-Door DeLuxe Sedan, 7,000 actual miles. Finish, tires and upholstery like new. See this car for a real $4SJ) 1935 Chevrolet Coach. Very low mileage. Has large heater.

This car traded in by a lady and received excellent 5 A. C. Baker, Inc. Dodge Plymouth Dodge Trucks 301 W. Michigan Phone 7184 Clean-Up Sale on Cheap Transportation 28 14 United Biscuit Drur 104 105 13 13 THREE unfurnished rooms with bath.

11 Hubbard. 46 4 4 Union Crrbide Wamer Bros. Worthinrfon Pump Gen. Puhlic Service Utility Pov. and Cresm of Wheat National TVoL Stores 46 5 4 36 Wanted Miscellaneous 43 WANTED TO BUY Small Grand piano for $73 cash.

Box D-9. News. WANtKI)TO BUY Grocery stock and fixtures or grocery stock separate. Box P-8. News.

WANTED Good kitchen cabinet with i up-righ-. Reasonable price. Call 625(1 WANTED Custom butchering at our new sanitary slaughter plant, at reasonable prices. 186 Main St. Coal, co*ke and Wood 45 "PAY CASH AND PAY LESS Prospinty Ess.

Forked Salesmen, Agents 15 SUITE of newly redecorated front rooms, furnished or unfurnished, $25. Soi N. Cass. Phone 2-3227. 36 18 18 56 56 Reynolds Tobseeo ii Aircraft 71 72 MODERN unfurnished 5-room apartment, close In.

Adults. 77 Cherry St. LOWER" apartment, choicely furnished, electric refrigeration and cooking. Private bath. 10 Upton.

64 6. jack's Trade-in Sale Ford Roadster Chpvrolet Sedan $30 Model A Ford Tudor $75 Chevrolet Sedan $75 Essex Coach $35 Chevrolet Landau Sedan $30 29 Ford Tudor $35 '29 Plymouth Coach $95 '31 Ford DeLuxe Coupe $185 '31 Ford Sport Roadster $145 SPECIAL '35 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, rumble seat. "36 Ford DeLuxe Trunk Sedan. C-Jack TRADE AND TERMS 132 Main St. Situation Wanted Male 16 MARRIED man wants work on farm-by month or year.

Christian home preferred W. F. Woodco*ck, General De-llvery. Marshall. WANTED Work In service station? Ex perlenced.

Buys. 10 Janoah TOUNG man. 22, desires spare time work 26 Armsiron Swift and Co. f4 28-4 Corliss Wrlrht 5 21 XTInlr 20 21 i 20 liberal supply weignt ouiiocks io-w 13.50; steers scaling 1,100 lbs. predominated, bulk being three to five month fed offerings; stockers and feeders 2c lower; all heifers 50c lower; short feds predominating at $769.

little above 510.25; beef cows 25 to 40c lower: cutter grades 15 to 25o lower; bulls 15 to 25c oil, and vealers generally 25 to 50c lower. Sheep 3.000, Including direct; for week ending Friday 9,200 directs; compared Friday last week: fat lambs closing 25 to 35c lower, sheep weak to 25c off, bulk western ewes showing full decline; week's lamb top 10.90 paid early for choice fed western offerings, closing top 510.35 on comparable kinds to shippers and small killers: week's bulk fed westerns i0.2iu 10.75: natives 510S 10.75:. choice yearlings 86-102 lbs. Thursday 59-50; merely good late tall shorn lambs scaling 73 lbs. 56.

To on Wednesday: week's top slaughter ewes 56.10: bulk $5i 6.10. but little aoove 55.73 on closing rounds. Hogs 3.00O, Including 2.500 direct; few trucked in and stale hogs selling about steady with Friday's average quality considered; medium and good 160-240 lbs. 9.S5; quotable top 510; shippers took 200; estimated holdover 500: compared a week ago general market around 50c lower: pigs and sows grading beiow choice 7oc to 1 lower in Instances. EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK EAST BUFFALO.

N. -H'S' none: market nominal good and choke 1S0-240 lbs. quoted 510.40100 compared week ago all weights 50c lower. Cattle 50; steers and yearlings around steady during week: m-rxet closing wobbly and uncertain: quality plain good offerings tf'annrilan 310: bulk 60 House to Rent Vlck Chemical '6t Crest West. Su-ar 36 Amer.

Foreign Power 1 12 National Biscuit 31 Jl Amer. Water Works 23 26 Amer. Pow. and Light 12 13 FOR RENT 5-room bungalow. Bryant $25 per month.

Call at 21 South Ave. (pROOM modern house for rent. Inquire 67 Maple Terrace. tconomy LArse egg. rumtu Prepared Stoker.

Oil Treated Pocahontas. Largs Stove Size KEPT ON CEMENT FLOORS AND UNDER COVER U. S. LUMBER FUEL CO. 413-419 HambUn Ave.

OAK liod" wood, heavy or light, stove or fumnee. 9072. 3093. 1929 Ford Tudor $i0 1929 Chevrolet Coach 30 1930 Chevrolet 4-door 95 1929 Ford Roadster 3.1 1929 Ford Touring 192S Buick 4-door 40 1928 Chrysler Sedan 43 1929 Plymouth 4-door 75 1928 Pontiac Coach 40 1028 Nash Coach 30 U. S.

BONDS FOR RENT On north side, modern six-room house with garage. Phone 8631 or call at 413 Hamblln Ave. mornings until SINGLE man who understands dairy and general farming, wishes work. Box M-8, News. Situation Wanted Femaie 17 HIGH SCHOOL girl wants housework-! room, borrd.

snrao wages. Near Southwestern or W. K. Call at 73 Taft. YOUNGgTri-wan'tsto care for children evenings.

Phone 9059. WOMAN wishes housekeeping position or companion to lady. 52 Cliff. newly CUSHMAN'S Sales and Service For Chevrolet and Oldsmobile 36 E. Jackson St.

Vh. 8M5 RENT Alt modern 7-room house; decorated. Inquire 108 Clay. 6-ROOM house for rent at 239 South Kendall. Phone I2SF-1-3.

Farm Produce 46 BLUE-JoiNT HAYJ, per ton. Phone 739 Imus. i lb. pall. 50c 65c: seekeepars' supphes.

Alson Mead. 731 F-1-4. As low as 10 down, 2 weekly. McPherson Auto Sales All cars inside. 53 8.

McCamly St. June March MODERN 5-room house, good condition, south side. 161 Winter. W. C.

PHELPS SALES-RENTAL SERVICE 20 W. Mich. Call Ph, 8601. Res. WORK wanted by hour, part time or week.

Treasury 4s 1947-32 3s 1943-45 4s 1944-34 3 1946-36 3s 1940-43 2s 1943-47 34S 1941-43 3 'is 1941 3s 1944-46 3s 1946-49 3s 199-52 3s 1946-48 3s 1931-53 2a 1955-60 2 1945-47 2s 1948-51 1931-54 2s 1930-59 2s 1949-53 47 rnone Household Goods TRAINED nurse. Patients In home or 61 Cottages Resorts private duty. Reference. SJoo. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON NEW 1937 Graham Model 85 4-door deluxe sedan with trunk.

Model 95 4-door deluxe sedan with trunk, deluxe heater and windshield defroster. Model 120, Supercharger, 4-door sedan with trunk, overdrive, radfb, deluxe heater and windshield defroster. Mead Motor Sales NURSES GRADUATE. PRACTICAL; Bid Ak 170.5 120.11 108.20 108.23 114.6 114. 9 113.8 113.12 1O7.10 107.13 109.9 109.10 108.

l8.1l 108.3 ioa.9 108.20 108.74 ins. 4 108. 108.3 108.6 107.10 107.13 106.18 104.12 104.13 103.19 105.21 104. 104.5 103. 103.10 103.4 103.5 101.10 101.12 101.28 10.2 lOVr! 4 ten 6 105.24 106.

104 .28 inj 10S.24 102.27 102. 22 102.24 short fed ST.75'3 9.50; low cutter and cutter cows 53.753 4.75; beef cows to 56.23: coalman lightweight bulls 554S.60; medium FURNISHED brutes and cottages to rent Modern. ERNEST WEST. Qoguao Lake. Phone 2-302r HOUSEKEEPERS.

MAIDS. rnu-FESSIONAL SERVICE, 600 Central Tower. TOU BREAK 'EM. WE FIX 'EM Radios, washers, vacuum cleaners, ranges. Free Inspection.

Call 4714. 39 S. W. Capital. MAYTAG WASHER, rebuilt like new; also one Universal.

Terms cash. POPE WASHER REPAIR, 2038 W. Territorial. FOR SALE A-B gray enamel gas range. Call 73:8.

566.40 ihrouah- 62 Farms to Rent BUSINESS SERVICE FOR FUEL ECONOMY BURN BLUE DIAMOND "SPECIAL MIX" COAL. CC PER TON, TAX INCLUDED SP'-3V Ask your neighbor about Bine Diamond Coal and co*ke) Blue Diamond Lumber and Coal Co. Ave. Phone Z-5191 nunc. -r-.

out week; early advance erased; good to choice 512 ft 12.50. Sheep none: lambs mostly 2oc lower during week; demand ratber narrow; good welhers 95 lbs. down Fed-ral F-r 19 Messenger Service 1V-47 3. I'M 3'ts STOCK farm, 148 acres, seven miles out. Cash rent.

Owner, 52 Cliff. Wanted to Rent 65 WANTED (0-acre farm. John-Taylor, mile north of Bedford. 310.509 10.75; top 511: strong we.ghts co UL1CK depenOatil- messengers. DISTRICT MESSENGER SERVICE.

600 Central Tower. Hn-ne On-ner I ELECTRIC troncr and 2 rugs. Call 3626 da times. FOR fAI.E Small wood or coal range, $5. 2 13 Burr St.

9x12 RUG, high chatr, baby bedT radio? wash-ng machine, studio couch. beds como'ettr. prano. overstuffed suite. 1T Ave.

around iu; meaium iiu -j. 10.25; aged awes to bum 58 5-75. W. Mich. a.t Urbandale Ph.

3745 3" A lo 2 2, 1949 2." 1942-14 CLASSIFIEDS FOR RESULTS WANTED Board and room in private family. North or west end preferred. Box R-8. News. (Associate Deaien CRKANDS RUN Packages.

messagea, band bins delivered. Quick, reliable. Phone 3665 Blue Streak..

Battle Creek Enquirer from Battle Creek, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.